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To Archive / tatsuya-suou_2
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/6/2020 3:28 PM
Hey Tatsuya-san Can you tell me more details about the dream?
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/6/2020 3:37 PM
Sure. It... varies. Sometimes I'm trying desperately to save my loved ones only to be dragged back and fail, watching as they die. Other times I can't move as my friends all disappear and the world goes dark... and theres always someone laughing at me. Mocking my pain.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/6/2020 3:38 PM
Were they like this before you got the app...?
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/6/2020 3:41 PM
Yes. I've had them for years now, sadly. I hope the app doesnt make them worse.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/6/2020 3:43 PM
I hope so too. Usually the dreams seem to cause physical pain? At least, they did for two of us... But the third person... well... I dunno actually
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/6/2020 3:47 PM
I wake in a cold sweat and sometimes have a headache but I think that's about it. Hm... maybe you should check with the third person?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/6/2020 3:48 PM
Well they're kinda... MIA rn... I don't wanna disturb them So I'll get back to you on that
3:48 PM
But they did go through something... pretty heavy lately. I think you saw it in chat actually
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/6/2020 3:58 PM
Makes sense. And yes I saw... it was a bit confusing. What exactly happened?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/6/2020 4:02 PM
I guess I can tell you since we're texting But Goro (that's his nickname in the chat) kind of lost control of himself? But he said some awful things about his partners... so it could be his own shadow or something else. I dunno for sure They had to chase him down and even broke his arm in the struggle
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/6/2020 4:15 PM
I see... that's troubling. Theyre sure its him and not an imposter?
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/6/2020 6:16 PM
Yeah, from what I can gather
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/6/2020 6:38 PM
Alright. Just checking... one time a shadow pretended to be a friend of mine.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/6/2020 6:44 PM
Wait... really? All the shadows I've seen have been pieces of the people themselves
6:44 PM
I gotta let Haru know!
6:45 PM
But I also don't wanna freak her out
6:45 PM
6:45 PM
What is the best thing to do?
Tatsuya Suou BOT 11/6/2020 6:53 PM
It was her shadow technically. Since it looked just like her she was able to fool us for a bit. I think maybe, if any of them are willing to talk about it, find out more details before making more suggestions as to whats wrong? Once we know more about goro's situation we can compare to similar incidents and see if anything adds up.
Kayla, male thot enemy of state 11/6/2020 7:18 PM
Sounds good..
Tatsuya Suou BOT 4/4/2021 9:04 PM
@Emily eats TWO lemons It was a bad, bad day for ol' Tatsuya as his phone decided to trigger a navigation app, dropping him into an unsettling world. He managed to fight off shadows using Apollo and a sword but it didn't seem as if he was getting out of here anytime soon. Plus... it felt like someone or something was watching him. Dread gripped at his heart and sweat beaded down his forehead and he looked around nervously for the source or things.
Emily eats TWO lemons 4/5/2021 3:48 PM
A raised hand, a call ... and that was what it took. Like dogs to a whistle, the shadows had ceased their attack almost immediately. Turning back to face the one that had adressed them so... Now. This was quite the interesting dilemma, here. Wasn't it? The being Suou was certain of being the culprit.. Kagutsuchi was quite unfamiliar with. Long lost to time with it's defeat... Illusions as such would be a wild guess in the dark.. But something he was certain of.. well. Others such as himself all had one thing in common. And this , right now.. could prove to be a vital asset in throwing the Persona users further off of his trail. At least. For now. A form emerged from behind the walls of inky darkness... Tatsuya's own likeness. And a sharp pair of golden eyes. A cruel smile distorting his features. "Didn't those other Persona users advise against coming in alone ...?" (edited)
3:48 PM
Tatsuya Suou BOT 4/8/2021 3:03 PM
A shiver ran down his spine despite the respite from the attacking shadows. "You." Tatsuya's tone was full of hate as he looked back at the being. But... he also stepped back, unconsciously alluding to his fear. "I didn't come here on purpose." He growled through clenched teeth. "But, you... you're the one behind all this?"
@Emily eats TWO lemons
Emily eats TWO lemons 4/8/2021 5:53 PM
...That same hand fell upon pursed lips, that smirk only fading for one moment. that hushing gesture only making the shadows slink away further, frightened by the implications of.. what not obeying might possibly do to them. Theatrics or not, it was all intended for one reason, to make this brat squirm. "Did you really have to ask such a question? Or is the feeling of disbelief too overwhelming for your.. feeble.. mind to comprehend?" low hanging fruit, but.. well. Tatsuya hadn't made much of an effort, either. a light jab or a nudge was really enough for this situation, mm? The lack of tact humans had when set on.. certain ideas. Oh! the pitiful nature of their kind...
5:53 PM
Tatsuya Suou BOT 5/27/2021 9:23 PM
"Tch...." a click of the tongue and a sharp glare. If this is who he thinks it is he felt nothing but complete abhorrence. Well... okay maybe he felt fear too. Much to his chagrin. "No.... I can comprehend just fine." Or could he? He was assuming this was the Crawling Chaos without giving it a second thought. His hatred made him blind. "Just what is you angle here? Why are you killing those people?" Tatsuya isn't expecting a straight answer... but he'll try to be bold and ask anyway. @Emily eats TWO lemons
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